
Retrofitting for ACB’s

ACB retrofitting refers to updating older Air Circuit Breakers with contemporary ones.
Automation and control technology is developing faster than primary switchgear technology.
Retrofitting a new ACB allows you to modernize the instrumentation and control of your switchgear at a relatively low cost. Allbro has state of the art design and production facilities based in Australia and produces all Retrofit kits in-house.

    Benefits of Allbro Retrofit Kits:
  • Inceased cost savings.
  • Reduced down time.
  • Reduced investment costs.
  • No need to replace existing copperwork and steelwork and comply with SANS IEC 61439.
  • Use of Allbro Retrofit Kits may be classified as a "Repair job" that may be performed to old SANS IEC 3439 standard.
  • Installation of new ACB in old switchboard without retrofit kit would require drilling and cutting existing copper bars and metalwork that in turn would require to comply with new SANS IEC 61439 standard which is hard to achieve without complete switchboard replacement.
Select the old ACB that you would like to change:
Alternatively, upload photo of the ACB name plate:
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